Ceremonial Cacao - Peru


$10 per 100g.


Origin: Peru

Ceremonial cacao is more than chocolate, it is a spiritual dimension, an intelligence that we cannot perceive with the mind, but with the heart, the intuition and through feelings. Cacao's energy is healing, motherly and very gentle. Mama Cacao speaks to the heart. When we connect with the heart’s energy our voice may speak from a place of deeper intelligence carrying vibrations of peace.

Benefits of Cacao

  • Cacao acts on the physical body, offering nutrients, minerals and feeling-good hormones. Blood circulation is accelerated up to 40%. 

  • Cacao contains many natural, active chemicals which help release ‘feel good’ emotions. Theobromine, one of these active chemicals, increases the release of dopamine, or the ‘pleasure’ hormone, to the brain. Phenethylamine, the chemical that is released in the body during emotional euphoria, is also found in cacao and is known to help relieve stress or depression.

  • Regularly consuming cacao is good for the physical health of your heart and can reduce your chances of suffering from heart disease; due to the high concentrations of flavanols and antioxidants found in raw cacao.

  • Unlike conventional Cacao or cocoa powder, Ceremonial Cacao has not been defatted and is minimally processed under low temperatures to maximize its health benefits.

  • The Cacao Spirit activates the sacred Fire within assisting you in burning away old and dense energies. Cacao renews our sacred connection with Spirit and where we come from. 

  • Cacao invites us to come back to a natural state of feeling (rather than over-thinking). You may feel a deep connection to the world around you.

More info & how to use here

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