A guide to the Magic & Ceremony of Cacao

Ceremonial cacao is more than chocolate, it is a spiritual dimension, an intelligence that we cannot perceive with the mind, but with the heart, the intuition and through feelings. Cacao's energy is healing, motherly and very gentle. Mama Cacao speaks to the heart. When we connect with the heart’s energy our voice may speak from a place of deeper intelligence carrying vibrations of peace.

A Cacao Ceremony is a sacred ancient ritual to honour the elements and spirits of Nature, to create a harmonious matrix with all living beings and express gratitude for Life itself. A Ceremony is a way of the heart and reflects humanity's sacred connection and relationship with the land and the (un)seen worlds. Cacao Ceremonies respond to an increasing longing for connection, ritual and ceremony in an urban environment. When offered with integrity you may feel love and experience yourself beyond cultural, religious and political agenda as a child of Earth.

The Spirit of Cacao

The Cacao Spirit is a keeper of ancient, sacred wisdom. The spiritual dimension is described as a medicine of the Soul, a medicine of Peace and as a Rainbow Medicine. Most indigenous peoples regard the Cacao Spirit as a feminine force and associate her powers with the emotional body, the voice and a way to communicate with Spirit. Mama Cacao holds the vibrations of kindness, unconditional love, and joy, allowing a loving connection with yourself and others.

The Cacao Mother is unique in her alchemy and works through feeling, a loving intelligence and the intuition differently with everyone. Sometimes she envelopes you, opens your heart and leads you into radiant landscapes. Sometimes she is a teacher helping you to see things more clearly. Sometimes she is a friend who tells you when it's time to let go, to surrender, or to fly off. Her energy can be healing, soothing, connecting, deepening, releasing or creative. But Cacao always teaches you - about balance, living a more heart-centered life and the universal laws of Nature.

Benefits of Cacao

  • Cacao acts on the physical body, offering nutrients, minerals and feeling-good hormones. Blood circulation is accelerated up to 40%. 

  • Cacao contains many natural, active chemicals which help release ‘feel good’ emotions. Theobromine, one of these active chemicals, increases the release of dopamine, or the ‘pleasure’ hormone, to the brain. Phenethylamine, the chemical that is released in the body during emotional euphoria, is also found in cacao and is known to help relieve stress or depression.

  • Regularly consuming cacao is good for the physical health of your heart and can reduce your chances of suffering from heart disease; due to the high concentrations of flavanols and antioxidants found in raw cacao.

  • Unlike conventional Cacao or cocoa powder, Ceremonial Cacao has not been defatted and is minimally processed under low temperatures to maximize its health benefits.

  • The Cacao Spirit activates the sacred Fire within assisting you in burning away old and dense energies. Cacao renews our sacred connection with Spirit and where we come from. 

  • Cacao invites us to come back to a natural state of feeling (rather than over-thinking). You may feel a deep connection to the world around you.

Preparing Your Cacao:

Prepare your Cacao and let the preparation itself become an act of love. The preparation itself is simple, it is the intention behind it that creates the magic.


How much Cacao you need to feel softly activated, depends both on your constitution and your belief system. Every person is so unique, so listen to your body. Start with a smaller amount and drink little more to see how you feel. Here are some numbers: 8-10g can spark a profound activation, 20g - 35g guides you into a deep inner experience, 42g is regarded as a full ceremonial dose (& is a lot of Cacao), from 60g and above, you can become really sick (headaches, nausea). It takes a little while for the Cacao to enter the bloodstream. Sometimes between 30 - 60 minutes. Sensitive people feel the vibration immediately. You might feel a concentrated energy in the belly after drinking it, which may cause discomfort. Breathe slowly and consciously into the belly and imagine the Cacao flowing from your belly into your heart and in golden light into your whole body. 

Ceremonial doses of Cacao are not recommended for somebody who is taking antidepressants (Cacao contains MAO inhibitors), has a serious heart condition, has very high blood pressure or suffers epilepsy.

Your Cacao Ceremony: A Guide

A guideline, a basic blueprint, for how to invite Mama Cacao into your heart & into your space. 

Hold A Sacred Mindset

Plant vibration is subtle. To align with and feel its vibration in an urban environment, you may require some quiet time and a slowing of your system and brain activity. You will be more receptive when you are relaxed. Spending time in Nature, grounding into Earth and breathing consciously will help you to connect with the present moment, which is the doorway to the spiritual dimension.

Create Your Sacred Space

Create a loving and comfortable space. You may use incense or herbs to 'cleanse' your space and light a candle to invite the element fire into your center. An altar is 'a prayer made visible' and creating one may support your journey. Choose things that lift your energy, help you feel more connected with yourself and the present moment & have meaning for you.

Connect in Sacred Ceremony:

  • Connect: with your intention and open the sacred space by stating: 'I hereby open the Sacred Space'. 

  • Ground: Breathe deeply and allow the experiences to flow into your roots and to settle into your body. Feel the grounding energy of the Earth Mother flowing through your roots into your body. Come into your heart space. Open the crown chakra, your connection with Source. Invite the Cacao Spirit through the heart space.

  • Open to receive. Meditate, dream, paint, journal, play instruments, explore nature, move consciously, be silent or creative. Allow answers, symbols and feelings to arise from within.

  • Close the space with Gratitude. "I thank the Spirit of Cacao, the forces of Nature and Source. Thank you for your love and guidance."

  • Drink plenty of water afterwards.


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